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Shirley South SNT Newsletter. Please remember to remove any valuables from the vehicle before leaving it unattended.
To receive the weekly Shirley South newsletter, please email PCSO David Thompson on the below email with your name, address and confirm you would like to be included in the weekly newsletter’, distribution list.
Shirley South SNT Email: SNMailbox.ShirleySouthSNT@met.police.uk
Phone: 020 8721 2469
To report a crime: ring 999 if a serious offence is in progress or has just been committed, or use the non-emergency number 101 for situations that do not require an immediate police response.
MET Police Anti-Corruption and Abuse Hotline
If you have information about a police officer or member of staff who works for the Met and is corrupt, abusing their position and power, please call the hotline on 0800 085 0000 so we can act. All callers are assured of their anonymity.
Information can also be provided through Crimestoppers online.